Friday, June 10, 2011

Donor Acknowledgement - Anna Yarbrough

My friend Anna just made my week by supporting Periclean Scholars and my marathon training!

Anna is one of my Alpha Chi Omega sisters from Elon that I would consider to be a true and loyal friend. She was such a great friend that my sorority family felt it worthy of giving her honorary llama family status - something that very few people have the privilege to obtain. She is one of my own, and I will be forever loyal to her as a sister.

Anna also holds another special honor: she's my pen pal! That's a word that not many people use nowadays. In my opinion, you must really consider someone to be your friend if you send them handcrafted messages and spend 44 cents on a stamp instead of sending an e-mail.

I recently received a letter from Anna in the mail. I had planned to write her back about my marathon training, and then I got sick this week. While good friends write back, good friends also don't spread germs! I sent her an interim update about my life, which included the links to my blog and my donation page - since marathon training and fundraising are such a large part of my life right now. All it took was for her to see my donation page link, and she instantly supported me.

No matter how many miles separate us, I will always consider Anna to be one of my good friends. And yes, I WILL take you up on that offer to visit sunny Florida - it will just have to be after my training!☺

Thank you, Anna.


  1. Oh Jill, you literally moved me to tears with your words! You are such an amazing, strong woman. I'm so honored to be your friend and sister, I love you! AXOxoxo

    Anna Elyse

  2. Thank you Anna for your kind and heartfelt words! I love you too and enjoy having you as a sister and friend!
