Sunday, July 3, 2011

My (First) Scary Marathon Dream

I just had the most bizarre dream - and it was about the marathon. Luckily, since I just woke up, I still remember most of the details.

I had dreamed that we were lined up in our corrals, and I was in the one that I had pre-selected (5 hours... I wonder if I can change that by the way?). The race was about to start, and I located Drew Carey in a cerulean blue t-shirt. I stared at him, and then he pointed at me. I pointed back. When the gun went off, he ran backwards toward me and asked what my finishing time was. I said I was shooting for four hours, and he said so was he. I looked away, but when I looked back he was suddenly in a racing wheelchair and went by me very fast. By the time I got to the actual start line, there were not a lot of people around me. For some reason, in my mind I had become someone else, because all of a sudden I was sitting and watching the race with spectators at a picnic table a little further up from the race start. I snacked along with them and had crackers and chocolate. I asked how Jill was doing and then everybody told me that that was me - so I got back on the course. Thanks to the crackers and chocolate, I had bad cramps. I was so distraught by what had happened that I stopped running. Soon after, the first finishers came through with their medals and finishers' t-shirts, and people were taking pictures of them. All of the finishers were beautiful and handsome and looked like models. I was still very sad for me but also very happy that all of the finishers had met their goal.

What does it all mean? I wonder if this means I am nervous already. Part of me thinks that this marathon dream is akin to the dreams that friends have had before they got married - just scary dreams that little things will go wrong when the big day comes. I think the dreams happen because you invest a lot of time and energy into making sure they will run perfectly, and you count on them to go smoothly on this one specific day. Maybe my marathon day is my "big day", as far as this dream goes...

Any dream interpreters out there that wish to give their opinion?

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