Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Donor Acknowledgement - Amanda Nieman

This acknowledgement is in honor of Amanda Nieman, who has shown to me how dedicated she is to the Periclean mission by going beyond the call of duty at work and through service.

As a Foundation Fellow at The Redwoods Group, Amanda was eligible to participate in the 2009 Zambia Periclean experience. She was selected, and during the experience it was easy to see why. Like fellow Redwoods employee Dan, Amanda showed she was adaptable to change, eager to work with college students and Zambians, and dedicated to the Periclean ideals. Amanda’s easygoing, open-minded nature earned her the trust and respect of all she encountered. She took her responsibility seriously and openly shared her heart and talents with team members and future homeowners.

Amanda's dedication to Periclean service continued last September, when she worked with Periclean Scholars for the Schools of Chiapas in Chiapas, Mexico. This project is the focal point of the Classes of 2008 and 2013 and is a model of Periclean sustainability. It is only fitting that Amanda, an individual who is dedicated to a life of service, would continue to support Periclean work at a site that epitomizes long-term Periclean sustainability.

Because of the model global citizen that Amanda has shown herself to be, I am honored to accept her contribution toward my personal goal of raising funds for the PSAA through marathon training. Amanda, your support means so much more because it comes from a person with your dedication to the Periclean ideals.

Thank you, Amanda.

1 comment:

  1. Jill-

    I am so proud of you and the work you are doing to not only raise education and money for PSAA, but also for your model global citizenship. :) I just wanted to let you know that I am following your blog and supporting you every step of the way! Amanda and I are roommates now and I love this post about her, because she is so modest, but she is such a shining example of what Project Pericles is about. Just today she was saying how she was not a "real" periclean scholar, but just a random girl that went on a few trips, and I wanted to yell at her, but I didn't, because obviously she inspired us all to be better global citizens, and more involved, and is one of the TRUEST examples of periclean scholars. As are you Jill! Good work!!!

    Love and hugs from NC!

