Thursday, October 27, 2011

MCM Expo 2011

Today, I went to the first day of the Marine Corps Marathon 2011 Expo at the DC Armory. I figured it would be best to go tonight, while I am not conscious of how much time I spend on my feet and while other runners are still getting into town.

The first stop was to pick up my race bib - mandatory for all runners. At this point, there is no turning back! See how good the bib looks on my tank for the race? It almost looks like the Marine Corps and I were color coordinated on purpose.

Bib pickup was pretty confusing for those who arrived clueless. It was in tents outside across the street from the armory. Luckily, Jason had arrived earlier than me and texted me the location of bib pickup. Otherwise, I would have been like many unlucky runners that I was in line with to get into the armory. They were turned around at the door.

Once inside, I headed to the very back to pick up my long-sleeved MCM participants' tee, and then I continued on to enjoy the expo.

Here are some of the things I did while there:

Signed a waiver to have my running gait analyzed

Ran on the treadmill so they could analyze my gait.
I did this in my flats from work; I should have worn running shoes!

The staff analyzed my gait.
I have good form but need arch support on my insoles, as indicated by the angles of my feet. Luckily, I have better form when I run with my New Balance shoes! 
Met the MCM Mascots, Miles and Molly

Checked out some junk marketed to marathoners

Watched people get their teeth whitened (?...why??)

Pretended I was finishing the Athens Marathon

Received a demonstration of "the stick".
I have wanted one for months and decided to splurge on this item. My body will thank me after the marathon.
(Note: I got the devil ears at the booth next door.)
Other things that I did while there included getting a back massage, having my body mass and bone density measured and analyzed, demonstrating a stretching tool, eating a variety of Clif bars, sampling Nuun beverages, browsing witty t-shirts, and more.

For runners going to the expo on Friday and Saturday, I would recommend: 1) Get your bib and packet; 2) Get your MCM Participant tee; 3) Complete the activities first (such as the massage and the body mass/bone density measurements); 4) Visit the vendors. This is in order of urgency and importance. Following this order should minimize your stress while at the expo with hundreds or thousands of others.

Before the expo, I had this anxious energy like children do when they are about to go trick-or-treating. The preparation of creating and wearing that costume, or in my case of transforming myself into a long-distance runner, is becoming a reality. The expo makes the marathon real. In contrast to Halloween night, the expo leads up to a much more exhausting and fulfilling adventure. Yes, Halloween might be the night when American kids get the most exercise they have all year from running house to house, but I don't think they get in 26.2 miles worth of house sprinting. Plus, their reward is the candy. I might have gotten my bag treats tonight, but the true reward will come in two and a half days when I become inducted as a marathoner.

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